MaMa’s Cottage Mushrooms

1) Tell us a little about you & what you do!

Hey! Matty here. I’ve lead a pretty colorful life so far, always been creative and liked to see and make others smile and happy. Travelled a lot of the world and had some amazing experiences along the way. Me & Kate created Mama’s Cottage Mushrooms just 6 months after coming together ourselves only a few months before. We love working with nature and universal energies to help others with out tinctures, herb blends, elixirs, potions and anything else a bit different that comes to us!

2) Biggest lesson Mother Nature has taught you?

To trust her and she will always be there for you and to be respectful of the medicine she provides. 

3) Do you use a specific intention or prayer before using Cacao?

I find intention is very important with all plant medicine, if you don’t ask the question how can you expect to get an answer. Intention with Cacao varies depending on setting how I’m choosing to use the medicine at that specific time. We attend a Cacao club regularly where my intentions are about release and enjoyment. On a personal cacao journey, I focus on internal healing on both a spiritual and physical level.

4) What’s your favorite current herb to work with & why?

That’s a very challenging question to answer…over the last couple of years I would say passionflower. It has amazing calming peaceful qualities as a tea, and it synergies very well with other herbs such as skullcap, mugwort, damiana, mullein, and lapacho.

5) I know you have a Blue Lotus oil. Can you tell us about it?

This one is Kates amazing creation. Blue Lotus has been a part of what we do from the start. Kate has infused the Blue Lotus into Mourning seed oil which has it’s own great skin benefits. A lot of blessing, intention, numerology and sacred geometry have gone into making it. We are very much aware of how all this affects the energies end product. 

6) What was your first experience using the power of mushrooms?

Recreationally, during the rave scene era and involved lots of amazing colours, smiles and laughter!!

Healing and health wise, they have helped me treat rosacea. I spent years trying to treat it in countless ways. The biggest impact I’ve seen recently has been the impact the chaga mushrooms has had on my mom and dads health. It’s amazing to make something that helps so much. 

7) What’s your favorite part about doing events & markets?

When someone comes back to us to say thank you. We are both healers so this closes the circle for us. 

8) What are you looking forward to this summer?

Just being out there at a different place every week, different faces, people & walks of life. 

9) Have you had any experiences with Blue Lotus & Dreams.

I’d say our first experience together with it. We brewed up 12g in the pan to make a tea. 20min after drinking we were both off in our own little dream land for a good hour.

10) How can we find out more about you? 

*Fun Fact- I met this lovely couple in a town called Church Strutton in England. They actually found one of the cards I placed there. They ended finding a card called “Magic.” ;) 

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