1) Tell us a little about you and what you do!
Surviving three near death experiences as a young child of seven, I have been the recipient of extraordinary gifts - the ability to see into a persons past, present and future and tap into an energy frequency enabling me to receive messages and information from spirits and relay them to the person for which the messages are intended.
2) What is the first paranormal experience you remember as a kid and were you afraid?
Waking up in the hospital at the age of 7 after my first surgery, to see and hear my Irish Grandmother telling me everything was going to be alright. I wasn’t frightened because I knew my Grandmother loved me.
3) Is there a specific Angel you’ve been working with recently and why?
Archangel Michael-He has always protected me and watches over me.
4) What’s a tip for someone wanting to improve their clairvoyance?
Meditation and Prayer improves clairvoyance.
5) What’s a funny moment you’ve had working with spirit?
Lots of humorous moments with spirit- laughter and love are the greatest healing energies!
6) Is there something you’d like to do in your career that you haven’t yet?
Write a Book.
7) What’s something you’d like to see more in the spiritual community?
Supporting eachother sans competition.
8) As you know, I love your show and energy! What’s your favorite part about the show?
My favorite part about the show is giving uplifting information to the viewers and introducing gifted guests to the audience.
9) Do you have any advice for the collective for the next month?
My advice for the collective is to pray for peace and limit exposure to the news. Focus on love and harmony. Where attention goes, energy flows!
10) Where can we find out more about you to book a reading?
My website: www.GraceGrella.com
Next LIVE show is Thursday, March 31st, 2022
7-8pm Eastern time streaming LIVE from Facebook page NSTV-Long Island
Gathering with Grace
Three Price Points: FREE is the Live show, Semi-private Gathering (discounted), and Private Sessions.
1) Tell us a little about yourself and what you do.
My name is Ryan Michaels and frankly, I have never been good at talking about myself. So, I’ll focus on what I do and what I love, because that is very much who I am. I am a psychic, medium, spiritual mentor, TV host, and most importantly, a visionary, though I firmly believe that titles do not matter; What matters is what you do with those titles.
From the beginning of my career, I promised myself that I would do my best to help each person who enters my path to reach their highest potential physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I aspire to remind people that as up implies down, black implies white, self implies other, happiness, in fact, implies suffering. I want to help each person through difficult times in any way that they will allow my help. Because “If today is as bad as it gets then tomorrow by this time, today would have ended.”
2) What’s one moment in your career that really changed your life?
My career is my life; I just happen to receive an income for sharing how I live. They are one and the same. Most people would expect me to list one of the shows I’ve hosted, one of the dozens of inspirational people I’ve met, one of my many travels, or maybe talk about the 10,000 plus people I’ve helped or communicated with all before reaching the age of 28. Those moments are so, so small in comparison to the moment that changed my life.
It was in October 2011 when I held my first paranormal presentation in my local town. As I nervously looked out into the crowd, I saw a face that made me smile. I looked at a face that brought me warmth; the face of a person I grew to love and, to this day, still love. I was lucky because after that presentation I got to spend over six years with her. Those six years seemed to include equal amounts of pain and love. I learned both how passionately I loved and how terrible I was at showing and expressing that love. Rightfully, on July 5, 2017, she left me.
Following our breakup, I dug such a deep hole that no one was able to help me out of it. In a moment that many choose depression, anxiety, anger, and a path of self-destructive behavior, I chose love, compassion, and sympathy. It was at that moment that my life turned around. I began to build it back together one piece at a time. I look back at this situation now and the one person I respect more than anyone in the world is the one person I never wanted to leave me. By leaving me, she took everything. And by taking everything, she gave me everything. She is the driving force behind my career and I credit her for my choosing to turn away from a self-centered mindset. I will always and forever feel indebted to her.
3) I’ve seen you speak about anxiety and depression; What’s something you would say to those struggling right now?
My teachings and beliefs come from the same teachings of gurus such as Sadhguru and Gaur Gopal Das. I believe that all human experience comes from within. For anything to come from within you, it means that it is happening in a way that you want it to be happening. People will often disagree with this statement, but it is those very people that are still suffering. So, don’t take my word for it. Ask someone who was suffering and no longer is. They will agree that to fix their suffering they had to fix themselves.
Very few people are struggling with depression stemming from a pathological illness. Rather, many people are struggling with self-created depression. The line between sanity and insanity is very thin.
To have depression or anxiety, you are generating substantial amounts of emotion and thought in the wrong direction. If you do not have strong or intense thoughts about something, you cannot be depressed or anxious. So, it all comes back to your thoughts, in most situations.
We all have been mentally ill. Every time you experience sadness, madness, or anxiousness, you are mentally crossing a line that you must face and experience. After crossing this line repeatedly, you can become clinically ill. Thus, the line becomes more and more difficult to face and experience.
All your experiences in life happen from within you. So naturally, you want life to happen the way that you want it to go. So when life doesn’t follow the course you want, you may feel as though it is working against you. It is not. Because this isn’t your life, it isn’t my life, it is simply life. Life will happen a little bit your way, a little bit my way, and a little bit another’s way. However, if your experiences come from within, you are responsible. When we do something amazing, great, or kind, we say “It was me!” When we do something mean, nasty, or spiteful, we often turn the focus outward and say “It was them!” No, it was you! Nobody makes you react the way you do. Only you are responsible.
So, how do we solve this? Think greater than how you feel! Do this and you master all life has to offer.
4) How do you personally spread happiness in the world?
I first acknowledge all the wrongdoings and mistakes I made and have spread throughout the world. I make sure to embrace them, own them, and never deny them. It’s easy to say, “That wasn’t what I said!” or “That wasn’t me!” If you do that once you will spiral into a path where you never own your wrongdoings and mistakes. I went down that path at one point in my life and swore to never go down that path again. See, the amazing part about spending time working on yourself, your mistakes, and all of your wrongdoings is that you are not only working on yourself, but you are indirectly spreading happiness within the world.
I also want people to make sure that they are spreading pure happiness within the world. You can share with others, do community service, open foundations, give donations, do a kind gesture, etc, but if any of those acts are lies, fake, or motivated by alternative reasons, that is not spreading pure happiness. This type of happiness will be short-lived, people will be hurt, and collateral mental and emotional damage will occur.
There is a quote by the philosopher Marcus Aurelius that comes to mind as I write this response: “The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts: therefore, guard accordingly, and take care that you entertain no notions unsuitable to virtue and reasonable nature.”
5) To the skeptics of what you do and, in turn, to the children who have abilities, what do you say?
I have never minded skeptics. I believe that healthy skepticism is beneficial in all career fields. Being skeptical is a normal trait in human beings. Some people believe that they are skeptical, but really they’re just acting like narrow-minded jerks and that I do not tolerate.
A true skeptic questions his own skepticism and embraces the possibility of truth as much as the possibility of falsehood. Healthy skepticism allows us to see the world clearly with many possibilities; Unhealthy skepticism blinds us from all the world has to offer.
6) What’s a tip that you have for removing heavy energy around someone or their home?
This, in most circumstances, requires a complex solution. I can give tips about cleansing yourself or your home all day, but if you don’t fix the reason that the heavy energy is attaching itself to you, the negative energy will continue to occur.
I recommend doing an in-depth analysis of your life to find the open doors that need to be closed. Find what it is in your life that is allowing negative energy to attach. Are you struggling with anxiety, depression, anger, trauma, grieving, coping, or one of many other mental states that may allow this negative energy to attach? Are you involving yourself with people that are negative or toxic to your energy and livelihood?
These are just a few of the most common reasons negative energy attaches and there are countless other reasons that follow. Know yourself, discover the whys, and then you can remove the negative energy from your life.
7) Can you explain astral travel for us and have you had this ability your entire life?
Astral Travel, also called Astral Projection, is an intentional, though sometimes seemingly unintentional, out-of-body experience. It is typically done while sleeping or within meditation. During this experience, you take the form of an “astral body.” The main objective of this experience is for your consciousness to function separately from your body in the physical realm.
This is one of my abilities that continues to change as my circumstances in life change. When I have equilibrium between my physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual self, this ability flourishes. When I find myself focusing on a particular area of my life too intensely or for too long, this ability weakens. All of life is about cycles and equilibrium and this includes controlling abilities.
8) I love your humor and Facebook posts! What makes you laugh?
Life. Life makes me laugh because there is nothing more simple than life itself. Life is so simple that it becomes difficult. Your mother brings you into this world. Then you pee, poop, puke, and she cleans it up and feeds and waters you. You are dressed and bathed, taught to walk and talk and, if done right, you know at least a half a dozen swear words by the age of three.
You are placed into the education system and for twelve years you are introduced to the many subjects that the world has to offer. After, you are asked what subject you like the most and what you enjoy enough to bring you happiness. Then, you have the opportunity to attend college for two, four, five, six, even eight additional years to learn as much as you want in that subject.
Typically, at around the age of eighteen, we make decisions that make this process difficult. Some have children and say that they do not have time to follow their passions. Some say that school isn’t for them and that they wouldn’t make it in college. Some say that going to college, opening a business, or following their passion would be a financial burden. I can list a dozen more excuses that people name as their reason for being unable to follow their passion and find their path to happiness.
The truth is that many people work and attend college with a newborn child at home. Many people who didn’t do well in school exceed in college or in opening a business. There are many solutions; Many states as well as our federal government provide funding and grants to people of low income who want to pursue their passion or attend college. So, why not you? And any answer that you give to that question, with a few exceptions, is an excuse! When you make an excuse for one, just one, thing within your life, you will be able to find an excuse for anything and everything. People make life so difficult for themselves by doing what is easy, but not what is right. I also find myself doing this - taking the easier path at times; You are not alone in this. These silly complications and everything that comes after that though are what make me smile.
The purpose of life is to follow a path that will bring you close to your highest potential - physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. This, indirectly, allows you to find happiness and to help aid others in finding their happiness. I promise you all that you are only a few decisions away from being exactly where you would like to be in life.
9) What’s something you’d like to manifest this fall?
I’d like to have my book published and I’d like to find a damn wife, finally. The pickings are slim for publishers and wives and I’m not getting any younger.
10) Where can we learn more about you?
Everyone who reads this is more than welcome to friend or follow me on Twitter @mediumryan, Instagram @psychicmedium_ryanmichaels, TikTok @thepsychicryan, or Facebook under the name Ryan Michaels Psychic Medium. You may also visit my website www.psychicryanmichaels.com and subscribe to my newsletter via the contact page.
1) Tell us a little about you and what you do!
I am a single mom of three with a menagerie of fur babies, all rescues. I also like to say that my day job is a special education teacher for high school students and my vocation is Psychic, Medium, animal communicator and healer.
I love working with the spirit world as well as the animals. I feel that this just comes to me naturally. I am not saying that I did not have to work to get to where I am today. I have worked very hard through laughter and many tears. Which makes my vocation so important to me. Working spiritually ignites my soul.
2) What’s one of your favorite moments connecting with an animal?
I was working with a pig on a rescue farm. She kept showing me she wanted more spots of mud to lay in and was hungry. She walked me through where her favorite places on the farm were for her to lay and hang out. She also showed me what her meals look like and what she would prefer to eat. Little did I know that within an hour of communicating, I would be at the farm. I was laughing because she had MANY spots to lay in the mud and her meals were what they needed to be due to weight gain that was not healthy.
Why I love this moment…When animals communicate their personalities come through. The pig’s personality came through clearly, she showed me she loved the farm and her meals but she also showed me that she wants her “humans,” to cater to her and give her all of her desires. She is one spoiled PIG!
3) What’s a tip for anyone reading this that would like to telepathically connect with their pet?
Remember, they are intelligent beings like you and I. Animals come from a place of love and respect. Do not try to dictate what should be shared. Open yourself to all possibilities. Animals are a wealth of information from where we can learn.
4) Is there a specific spirit animal you’ve been working with lately?
There is no specific animal at this time. I would be with my team. Currently, I am working on lessons on how to deepen my connection. To allow me to understand on an entirely different level what achievements they want in this world. See, I will NEVER finish learning and I love to constantly sit with my team and say, “Teach me more!”
This is what allows me to make a difference. I am not a miracle worker. My team and spirit world “leaders” are the miracle workers. I am only the conduit that delivers the Information. The more I work with them, the more I can share and hopefully change the animal kingdom’s world.
5) What’s one of the biggest obstacles you’ve had to overcome when it comes to Mediumship?
Believing in myself and not comparing myself to others. My entire life I always felt weak and stupid. I could never achieve anything in life. With mediumship, I am here to serve spirit, the sitter and myself. If I did not have the confidence in me how can the spirit world trust that I would honor their wishes. Therefore, I put on my big girl panties and said, “I have to succeed in order to help those in need, whether dead or alive.” I learned to surrender, respect and allow what is meant to be to just be. One of my most difficult life lessons.
6) What’s an animal closest to your heart & why? What did you learn?
I cannot say there is only one closest to my heart but one is a snow leopard. When I was 15, I took a trip to the San Diego zoo. I did not see an actual snow leopard at the time but I did see photos. The animal just caught my attention and triggered my soul and spirit. Why? A snow leopard is stealthy, beautiful and strong. They can travel 50 feet in one bound, yet are known as the “Mountain ghost.” The snow leopard taught me that you do not have to be seen to be loved, respected and powerful. But you do have to be careful of those that do not respect the beauty that surrounds us AKA humans. They want us to educate one another, respect one another and love one another. For more than a decade now I have visited the Bronx zoo and sat with the snow leopards. It is amazing how just being in stillness and allowing to connect is healing on levels that are unimaginable.
7) Do you believe our pets reincarnate?
Some do but not as many as people would hope for. When animals pass it is very similar to the human experience. All animals come here for a season, reason or lifetime. They have a soul purpose and whether or not that purpose was achieved is part of the choices they will make for their next lifetime if they choose to reincarnate.
We must as humans stop placing pressure on animals to reincarnate and come back to us. We must allow them to evolve and follow the path of their soul desires and not our human “wants.”
Grief is a very difficult process of life. We must grieve and go through the process allowing ourselves to heal. Instead, sometimes we look to animals to take the grief from us and ignore the process that is needed.
To schedule a Mediumship or Animal Communication session with Natalie check out-